The performance pathway for Isle of Man badminton is changing this season to try to:

The pathway will initially consist of the following squads which will be held at the NSC in the main sports hall:
Senior County Squad – Wednesdays 8.15pm – 10.00pm @NSC
This squad will be selected primarily based upon a player’s potential to represent the island in one of the two county teams for the coming season as well as including a select number of junior players that have the potential to do so in the future.
Junior ‘A’ Squad – Wednesdays 7.00pm – 8.30pm @NSC
This squad will be strictly limited to 20 players and will include 15 minutes of fitness/footwork training at the end of the session alongside the senior squad players.
Junior ‘B’ Squad – Fridays 5.50pm – 7.00pm @NSC
This squad will be strictly limited to 20 players and will include 15 minutes of fitness/footwork training at the start of the session alongside the ‘C’ squad players.
Junior ‘C’ Squad – Fridays 5.00pm – 6.10pm @NSC
This squad will be strictly limited to 20 players and will include 15 minutes of fitness/footwork training at the end of the session alongside the ‘B’ squad players.
Please note that there are fewer places available across the squads this season and membership last year is no guarantee of selection this year. Squad selection will be overseen by the performance committee in conjunction with the coaches. For details of all squads and their trial dates, please see:
Any queries about the process should be addressed to