Squads this year will have new names, starting with ‘Foundation’, then ‘Development’, then ‘Elite’, with each squad limited to 18 players.

Each squad will be focused on a set of Core Skill Competencies that have been created, ensuring there is a consistency against how players are assessed. Should you wish to see/read these, they are available to download below:

Core competencies for squads 2024 – pdf

Trial dates

Depending on numbers, availability and playing level, junior trials will be held on either:

Friday 9th/16th/23rd/30th August 6-7pm;
Friday 9th/16th/23rd/30th August 7-8pm; or
Wednesday 14th/21st/28th 6-7pm.

All Squad trials will be held at the Roundhouse in Braddan.

As such, can you please let us know by emailing performance@iombadminton.com if you are interested in attending, and after that we will look to let you know which of the three slots to attend.

Squads are overseen by the performance committee in conjunction with the coaches and any queries about squads should be addressed to performance@iombadminton.com

Join our Facebook group.

If you have a child that has been accepted into one of our junior squads, please follow join our IOM Badminton Junior Facebook group HERE to stay up to date with all the latest info and notices.