A total of 26 primary age children took part in the Rising Stars Badminton Tournament for The Tedda Cain Cups during the half term holiday at Bemahague school. For some of the children it was their first taste of competitive badminton. It was nice to see everyone giving their all in the games, and enjoying themselves.
Year 4 girls winner was Erin Corlett with 97 points, year 5 winner was Connie Creer with 118 points and Year 6 winner was Lara Stewart with 110 points, Lara also won the Tedda Cain trophy.
Lucas Kershaw won Year 5 boys singles with 60 points. Year 6 boys was divided into 2 pools with Jasper Corlett winning group A and Wai Yien Cheung winning group B.
The final between the 2 boys showed some excellent play with Jasper edging out Wai for the title and the Tedda Cain cup.

The children were then matched up for doubles and the winners of the boys being Lok Cheung and Toby McGovern.
Winners of the girls doubles were Erin Corlett and Xara Quinn.
All children received medals at the end of the tournament. Trophies were presented to the Year Winners by Roberta Cannell, Chairman IOMBA.
Thank you to everyone who helped on the day.